Citibank Workers Strike Over Discrimination Claims
"We have no choice but to strike since the management has been insincere in the past collective bargaining talks," the union said.
And then there is this little gem:
White vice presidents and lower-level employes of Citibank sent racist jokes throughout the megabank's interoffice E-mail, according to a lawsuit filed by enraged black workers.
The E-mail a series of spoofs on the black speech patterns known as Ebonics started at the bank's Wall Street offices and wound up at offices around New York and as far south as Florida.
See I know Citibank is either tacitly or directly working with the haters to get me on anything they can, and they are fighting tooth and nail to keep a video of them mistreating me out of YouTube. But once that video goes up (either with just my witnesses and me or with Manager Carlo Carmanna with or without blue dot) and people see that Citibank was lying:
a) about my composure in the bank
b) about who the Decision Maker was (Carlo Carmanna, a white man)
Things don't look so good for them, they look better for me, especially because Citibank's first line of response to my lawyer was to threaten us with production of the videos. Now they backpedal, see the Motion to Compel and related memoranda.
So Citibank is hoping and praying that MCAD will not release the video to me, simple. See today's MCAD Supplemental Surreply.
Lastly Citibank’s lies about the Decision Maker being black:
The attached job description for Branch Manager proves that only Carlo Carmanna has the authority to be the Decision Maker, and it reads, in pertinent part:
• Resolve escalated customer complaints/issues promptly and effectively.
(Attachment 2)
I asked my friend who knows her, and the teller’s name is Jan**** and she had nothing to do with the Decision, that’s why she never filed a written statement. This material will be forwarded to New York State Bar Counsel today via FEDEX.
These haters think they rule the World, but two can play that little game as they are fast finding out.
ReplyDeleteI know Sam is reading the final Surreply so I will tell him that Version 2.0 included a reference to the Russian fiasco as well.
ReplyDelete9th December 2009 09:23:37
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Another GOA investigation on Citibank again helping to launder money. People associated with haters like Citibank and their legal counsel no doubt want to put me in prison but it is they who should have gone to prison, you bet.