Dear Keeper of Records of the Office of Legal Advisor:
Please provide me a copy of the written transcript of the 911 call I requested via fax transmittal on 3 August, 2009.
Whatever redaction costs you deem appropriate is fine, just email me when it is ready and I will bring you the money directly. I would imagine you could have that ready for me tomorrow, Friday 7 August 2009.
As to your policy of not providing the audio, I must warn you that litigation will follow.
I have successfully sued the State of New Hampshire to recover 911 and dash cam video from the cruiser of one Norman Bruce McKay and I won the right to receive everything I requested, just as I will win here. They did redact personal information at various times on the audio (a VIN number, etc.) and I have no problem with that. More on this situation will come to light in a few weeks when Casey Sherman’s book “Bad Blood: Freedom and Death in the White Mountains” is released.
In Florida, they just redact if necessary which is what I am specifically asking you to do in this case.
In sum, I am of the opinion that:
Only that portion of the voice recording of a "911" call relating to the name, address, and telephone number of the person calling the emergency telephone number "911" to report an emergency or to request emergency assistance is exempt from the disclosure requirements of Ch. 119, F.S. Thus, the voice recording of a "911" call is subject to disclosure once the name, address and telephone number of the caller have been deleted.
Robert A. Butterworth
Attorney General
None of your stated reasons apply in this situation, if you are concerned about it then redact the names of the people not involved with my party – we all know the call was made from the bank so the bank can identify the players involved later during litigation. The non-criminal matters to which your letter alludes would be Domestic Violence sorts of things between private people, or the Virginia case involving a minor who had stopped breathing. This is a matter with a bank – a public institution – and three grown adults who were wrongfully threatened with arrest and who are not shy about coming forward to sue in a public light.
Frankly, I like my chances. If you like yours, then certify your final answer that you will not provide the audio and you can prepare for a round of vigorous Right-to-Know litigation.
Christopher King, J.D.
cc: John N. Moore, Esq.
Benjamin Velella, Esq.
Charles Ogletree, Esq.
Barack Obama, Esq.
Professor Henry Louis Gates
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