The salient points are these:
They did not show the part of the videos where JRT and I are sitting together in the lobby, just chilling out, waiting for Derrick.
Significantly, at no point in time do Carlo Caramanna and his co-worker appear concerned about any threat of physical violence whatsoever. JRT walks out, I'm right behind her, and I tell Carlo what he is without breaking stride, and Mr. Gillenwater breaks stride for about 10-15 seconds to tell him to watch his back because we were going to sue them, and he too, walks out without incident. Mr. Gillenwater and I spoke about this the other day and he's definitely coming forward. At any rate, Carlo Caramanna and his co-worker casually lock the door and saunter back inside, at which point they made the bogus call to 911 to cover their tracks and try to make us out to be threatening.
That my friends, is why they don't want the video circulating.
The Affidavit as to specific facts I will post after I make some dinner (ginger sea scallops, baby bok choy, auricularia, pan-fried spicy noodles and, ummmmm..... eggplant -- how appropriate!).
And your great-great-great-great grandmother.......
ReplyDeleteCitibank.... not too swift.
ReplyDeleteBut we already know that, because if they were they would have reserved citibankblog.blogspot.com a long time ago hahahaaaa..... watch it grow in the coming years.
-The KingCaster.
Hey Sam,
ReplyDeleteWhaddya, got Sills Cummis with you, gearing up for an IP battle with me about your blog?
IP Address [Label IP Address]
Country United States
Region New Jersey
City Newark
ISP Sills Cummis Epstein & Gross
Bring it, dude. The Jury sides with me every time, especially after they start reading the file documents.
Or is Sills reading this blog to share a laugh with me, either way I'm like Alfred E. Newman.
Parody. Opinion. Fair Use. Criticism, all of it. Start your reading here. You and Citibank really stepped in it, but it's hardly the first time some stuffed-shirt high-dollar lawyer thought they could lie and get away without recompense.
Your Hell Ride will continue until I decide I am finished with it, you got that?
Remember, in your own words you said "Chris King is a prolific blogger....."
At least you got one thing right.
Care for a Chesterfield?
11th January 2010 19:12:26 Page View www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1T4EGLC_enUS254US254&q=samuel shaulson&aq=f&oq=&aqi=
11th January 2010 19:15:21 Page View samshaulson.blogspot.com/
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11th January 2010 19:16:11 Page View samshaulson.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2009-12-12T10%3A53%3A00-08%3A00&max-results=7
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11th January 2010 19:16:35 Page View samshaulson.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2009-12-02T05%3A38%3A00-08%3A00&max-results=7
11th January 2010 19:22:30 Page View No referring link
Dear Ms. Hickey,
ReplyDeleteI have received Respondent's employee statements and am preparing my Affidavit regarding same and will file later today.
Keep in mind of course that the allegations of my "rant and unpleasant scene" and "loud rant" belie my relaxed body posture; I barely raised my voice even though you can see when Carlo Caramanna picked up the phone and threatened to have me arrested I kept cool calm and collected.
Very truly yours,
Christopher King, J.D.