I knew the entire process and the rubber stamp MCAD appeal hearing was fixed from the get go because when I filed a Motion to Strike extraneous material about my background going back to 1996 that Citibank dragged into the case it was denied. Yet when I provided information about Citibank in general (and in specific) that showed them to lack credibility, I was rebuffed and told it was not relevant. So derogatory stuff about me from 15 years ago is relevant but derogatory stuff about Citiank in the past few years..... is not. What a joke.
The bias of the disingenuous Hearing Officer (I'll get her name and start a blog in her name soon, hahahaaa....) was readily apparent and MCAD and the Hearing Officer never provided comment on crucial Findings of Fact that would prove that "Superlawyer" Sam Shaulson lied in his Pleadings.
And yah, I know what I'm doing before Civil Rights Commissions, I've law clerked of the Ohio Commission and prevailed there, see Hamm v. Gahanna so you're not fooling me whatsoever.
This is a public records request pursuant to MGL 66-10 so I expect you'll have a Good Faith cost estimate ready for me in the time permitted by Law:
1. You are hereby ORDERED to produce a copy of any and all Notices of Appearances that have been filed from 1 Jan 2005 to present on behalf of Morgan, Lewis et al.
2. You are hereby ORDERED to produce a copy of any and all documents the bear the names or in any direct way refer to "Melissa Rodriguez," "Sam Shaulson" or Morgan Lewis"
3. You are hereby ORDERED to produce a copy of any and all documents bearing the name "Christopher King" other than any pleadings in King/Crnilovic v. American Tower or King v. Citibank.
Respectfully submitted,
Christopher King, J.D.
PS: The bike is a Yamaha TDM 850 (a parallel twin like my 650R and former RD350 'cos twins rule); the tennis ball is the last one struck by John McEnroe and unreturned by Mats Wilander last month, see related KingCast video.
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